Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Learning from a New Experience Essay

As human beings, we learn most of the things that we know from experience. New experiences give us new knowledge, enabling us to correct our mistaken beliefs in the past and to increase our awareness. It is only proper to open ourselves to new experiences so that we can be able to acquire better knowledge and to align our actions and thoughts with the right things in life, making us better individuals in the process. I recall a previous incident in my life where I learned a couple of new things. At first, I was hesitant to give myself the chance to encounter a new experience because I was afraid of the possible consequences that can be harmful on my part. However, I was assured by my friends that there was nothing to worry about because, in the first place, what we were about to do was not a bad thing. We decided to proceed with cleaning our backyards as a group, transferring from one backyard to another. We lived in a small neighborhood so the task was not entirely difficult although I would have to say it felt physically exhausting. The reason for that is because I rarely help in doing the chores in our house. Since I was busy most of the time attending to my academic requirements and to my friends, I had very little experience in cleaning the house, let alone sweeping the leaves in the backyard. With the help of my friends, we were able to clean our respective backyards. As an individual, I was able to learn a few things about keeping the house clean and maintaining the neatness of my surroundings. Moreover, I was able to fulfill the task and to have fun at the same time. I enjoyed cleaning my own backyard and the backyard of my friends since the fun moments seemed to lighten our load. I was wrong in thinking that I will only tire and dirty myself without getting anything important in return. In fact, I learned the simple things that can be done in order to keep our backyard clean. While they may be simple, I am fairly certain that such little knowledge is precious enough to help me as I grow older. I might get dirty and tire myself from time to time, but I think what is more important is the thought of having clean and healthy surroundings for a clean and healthy life. From that incident, I can confidently say that it is important to open ourselves to new things so that we can acquire new experiences. It is never enough for us to settle with what we already know and hold on to that knowledge until we grow old. If there are much better things to learn, I cannot see any reason why we should resist change. However, we should make sure that the new experiences that we are about to try are experiences that are not only beneficial but are also good. Trying new experiences that are inherently harmful and bad should not be taken just for the sake of trying. In my case, cleaning the backyard was a new experience for me and I tried it with the full confidence from my friends that it was not a bad thing to do. On the contrary, it was both beneficial and good. It is only natural for human beings to try and be open to new experiences since it is part of our natural instinct, I think, to understand and learn what is yet unknown. If we hold ourselves back from experiencing new things that could help us along the way, we deprive ourselves of the chance to become better individuals.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Relativism in ethics poses serious problems for Christians Essay

With reference to other aspects of human experience, comment on the claim that relativism in ethics poses serious problems for Christians. Justify your answer. [15] Ethical relativism is the theory that states morality is relative to culture and circumstance, meaning the same action may be morally right in one society but be morally wrong in another. For example, most societies believe the act of sacrificing either people or animals is wrong, but there are tribal cultures that perceive it as part of normal life. If one takes this approach there are no such things as moral absolutes, and this can pose problems for Christians. For most Christians ethics are dependent on rules recorded in the Bible. Paul instructs, â€Å"Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.† In the Old Testament especially there are many empathic statements such as, â€Å"Do not kill,† which do not leave much room for ethical relativism. They reject the idea that the ends could justify the means, because sin is sin no matter what the intentions behind it were. Slick wrote on this topic, â€Å"I consider moral absolutes to be real because they come from God and not because they are determined by the whims of mankind.† One of the main criticisms of ethical relativism from within Christian circles is how it leads to a subjective view on morality. If there are no fixed moral truths then that leaves the individual as the supreme moral agent. Under this theory it could be argued the Holocaust was moral – after all, it was the view of that culture that Jews should be exterminated. Anti-Semitism was a societal norm. Groothuis put forward this view: â€Å"Surely any morally sane person must ethically condemn Nazi atrocities as evil †¦ but relativism cannot permit such judgments. The morality of everything is relative — even genocide.† Humans are tainted by sin and therefore are predisposed to make poor choices. On the other hand, relativism does not necessarily mean that anything is acceptable. This is too simplistic a way of looking at it. For example, Peter Singer would describe himself as a believer in ethical relativity, but he wrote, â€Å"what has to be shown to put practical ethics on a sound basis is that ethical reasoning is possible.† He rejected the idea of moral absolutes but also rejected the idea that you could not criticise the choices of others. He stated that human reason is a major factor when it comes to decision making, and that it is not simply a case of choosing what pleases you most. Many Christians have no problem reconciling the Bible with a relativistic approach to ethics. After all, even the Bible contains things that modern day believers do not adhere to such as slavery. When the Bible addresses a topic it should not be compared against the sensibilities of the modern world, but rather against the culture of the ones to whom the Bible was addressed. The Bible was written a long time ago by fallible humans and Christian denominations such as the United Methodist Church in the USA hold a position of ethical relativism. This has led them to performing same-sex weddings and other things that set them apart from their conservative counterparts. They see relativism not as a problem for Christians, but something that can free them from legalism and allow them to be more loving. Strict adherence to Sola Scriptura when it comes to ethics can reject the believer’s own conscience and work of the Holy Spirit, which are also a necessary part of moral decisions. This is similar to those that espouse Christian utilitarianism and believe that God wants them to be happy, even if it requires breaking Biblical law. In the words of Zack Hunt, â€Å"Don’t let dogma and doctrine get in the way of practicing Love, who is God.†

What atmosphere does Lorca create in Blood Wedding and how does he create it?

The classical and highly acknowledged play Blood Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca delivers many symbols and similes which communicates the themes of the play and also create an atmosphere which Lorca directs as he wants it. With an excellent skill of writing Lorca draws the audience into the surreal play with this intense atmosphere. It also makes the spectators understand the deeper meaning of the tale. The atmosphere in the play is ever changing. It starts out as a heavy dark sinister foreboding, the semi-subconscious sense that death will take place in the play with the mentioning of the knife. When it is known that a marriage is to take place the atmosphere is slightly lifted in the joyous occasion. However Lorca quickly shows the conflicts that are taking place within Leonardo and the Bride, and also between them, and the now almost obvious menace that hangs over the setting. The realisation of Leonardo and the Bride's act, confirming the growing tension, now gives expectations of the murder that has been suspected from the start. With the introduction of the Beggar and the Moon there is a violent and an intimidating atmosphere that is abruptly replaced by the calm sorrow of the last scene. It is easy to see how contradicting and profoundly complex the atmospheres are to each other through each scene, which then gives each more attention from the audience because of this. In the beginning when the Bridegroom and Mother are talking about something as common as the every-day job of going out to gather food it does not indicate any tension that will soon appear. However as soon as Mother curses the knife, â€Å"Damn the knife, damn them all and the devil who brought them into the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Act 1, Scene 1) it is immediately clear that knife it something much more sinister than simply to cut grapes. The sudden contradiction and the fact that this particular symbol will dominate the play strongly marks the dark atmosphere. The constant mentioning of death indicates that this is, as Lorca meant to say, inevitable. This menacing atmosphere never leaves, but stays in the background through the play, since it is obvious that death will sooner or later take place. The tension rises when marriage is mentioned and it is immediately very clear that conflicting forces are behind these events. Leonardo and the Bride's apparent dislike to their marriages which is seen very early on with Leonardo's outbursts, â€Å"Why can't you just shut up?† (Act 1, Scene 2) and the Bride's aggressive manner, â€Å"taking her wrists Leave them!† (Act 1, Scene 3) confirms that trouble is rising on the horizon and, since the foreshadowing of death is already present, it leaves a breathless feeling, a surge of knowledge of what will happen. The actions of the characters also contribute to the atmosphere. When Leonardo at the wedding party keeps coming and going it gives him a sort of constant menacing aura that reminds us that this occasion is full of contradiction within. At the point when the Bride and Leonardo runs off and people starts to chase them it is like an explosion of events that has been predicted from the very beginning of the play. The Moon's bloody and violent personality and its conversation with the Beggar tell of the murder that by now is already known to come to be. â€Å"Tonight, I want a heart split wide so that I may warm myself. A human heart for me!† (Act 3, Scene 1) However, it gives that little extra tension from the fact that the Moon may or may not be there to shine and reveal Leonardo and the Bride. â€Å"Quickly! Light†¦light everywhere. Do you here? They mustn't escape.† (Beggar) (Act 3, Scene 1) The tale of Blood Wedding is told through usually short sentences. This very plain language gives us the sense of the straightforwardness of the peasant community, which then reassures us of an uneventful and calm society. This makes the different atmospheres in the play stand out, as they are certainly neither uneventful nor calm. The colours of each scene are also very important to bring forth the right kind of atmosphere and also the moral notions of the play. For example in the first scene the room is coloured yellow. People might interpret the meaning of colours differently but in the western world yellow is generally considered as the colour of treachery and infidelity. It makes a feeling of what might be expected to happen later on in the scene. There is also used music, â€Å"two violins†, to enhance the atmosphere. Personally I would expect the music that is played as a sad melody with a slight echo to it. This would create an atmosphere which would confirm even more the coming murder, but as there a few indications that the Bride and Leonardo might make it, for example the constant reappearing of the Moon, it makes the uncertainty stand out as the audience is suddenly left to wonder what will happen next. The complete transformation of atmosphere in the last scene is so sudden and unexpected that it leaves a sort of echo of the last scene. With this melancholy calmness it is also easier to bring about the more moralistic purposes of the play without the too fierce tensions that keeps the audience more focused on the events than the message of Blood Wedding. The women weeping and mourning for the dead is also a very good way to give a final feeling that makes the audience understand that the play is over and what consequences it brought, that is death. Lorca uses many skilful ways to make the atmosphere through Blood Wedding. With gestures, colour, music and symbolism the Spanish writer displays a very artistically body created for the play. It is as though Lorca decided to build up such a tense atmosphere just to make the audience hang on to every single word and so pay more attention to the final point made in the last scene, the fact that the Spanish society is very oppressed and that women are kept captured in it even when the men are dead and gone.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Summary of the documentary film ( Control Room ) Essay

Summary of the documentary film ( Control Room ) - Essay Example Rushing who works as a press officer for CENTCOM, a correspondent of NBC, CNN, BBC, journalist from the Syrian region and Al Jazeera (Noujaim, 2004). The documentary shows the various opinions proposed by the journalists of Al Jazeera which is a Qatar based news television network. The documentary shows that the Secretary of Defense of US named Donald Rumsfeld participates in various public conferences claiming that Al Jazeera was not showing the true picture of the war on Iraq and was propagating against US. On the other hand the documentary shows that the information minister of Iraq claims that the news channel Al Jazeera is working with US and is propagating against Iraq and is not portraying what is really taking place in Iraq. On the other hand the correspondent of CENTCOM makes accusations that the Qatar based news television channel is biased and is showing only the negative actions of US and the number of people killed in Iraq, later in the documentary he states that the US based news network named Fox News is even doing a similar biased job by carefully selecting the material before airing it on their channel and he poi nts out the more important points that both the Qatar based and US based television networks have not shown. The documentary mainly tries to portray the role that Qatar based news network has played in changing the society of Arab. The senior producer of the Qatar based channel named Samir Khader states that the channel is working with the aim of shaking the infrastructure of the society of Arab which is quite rigid in nature. He states that the channel is trying to change the society of Arab which lacks in different parts of life such as technology, culture as the society does not tolerate perceptions and cultures of other societies. Throughout the documentary the film maker shows that the media is biased, she portrays this message by showing the Rushing is mourning that the channel Al Jazeera is working in a biased manner. Rushing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Closing case #2 Chap 6 Zillow Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Closing #2 Chap 6 Zillow - Case Study Example Business intelligence at Zillow allows managers to make better decisions that are beneficial to the company. In Zillow, Zestimate values allow them to use data mining features for spotting trends across property valuations hence creating new products for their customers. Through this technology, they are able to see accurate Zestimate values and allow users to find homes that are for sale and rent based on monthly payment they can afford. Through business intelligence, Zillow launched new products aimed at changing the manner in which Americans shop mortgages by allowing borrowers to use their new mortgage marketplace to get custom loan quotes from lenders without giving their details. The marketing department at Zillow can easily use data mart to release a new product by taking advantage of databases that are stored in details. Through their data warehousing systems, they can store the same information in aggregated form more suited to support decision-making process. The warehouse can then be used to compile information from internal databases and external databases through extraction, transformation, and loading during launching of new products. Accurate information is of great importance to Zillow since they need such information to make accurate choices on how they intend to run their business. Any information that is not accurate misleads the managers as they make their daily choices that can eventually lead to reduced profits in the business. All information needed by Zillow should be complete to ensure that there is no value lacking in the information provided. Incomplete information can also lead the management in making wrong decisions that can eventually bring the company down. Zillow needs information that is ever flowing at a constant speed as they are availed so that they become useful to the management. Inconsistency of information can disrupt the decision-making process that would in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Elizabeth Gaskell short story The Old Nurse's Story, which is taken Essay

Elizabeth Gaskell short story The Old Nurse's Story, which is taken from the Virago Book of Ghost Stories (Virago 2006), The Weir by Connor McPherson, and dramatises Valerie's story - Essay Example ‘The Virago Book of Ghost Stories’ has series of ghost stories which are edited chronologically so that the reader can feel the change in the pattern of the ghost stories over the ages. In the short story ‘The Old Nurse’s Story’, the author Mrs. Gaskell pitches in various factors that make the plot of the story truly supernatural. She inculcates the series of untimely deaths, the secrets of the family, the sibling rivalries along with more common features like love and jealousy. The most important attribute that makes the story so popular in the genre of the supernatural stories is the addition of certain Gothic features like that of the old manor house, stormy evenings, extreme emotions, super natural ambience and above all the child ghost. The excerpts from the story, â€Å"I was all in a hot, trembling passion; and I said it was very well for her to talk, that knew what these sights and noises betokened, and that had, perhaps, had something to do with the spectre -child while it was alive. And I taunted her so, that she told me all she knew, at last; and then I wished I had never been told, for it only made me afraid more than ever† (Gaskell, â€Å"The Old Nurses Story†) provides for the superb case of spectre - child. The play ‘The Weir’ captures the scene of a regular rural Irish Bar where three ‘regulars’ are busy in having drink with the bar owner. The four of them are old time friends. While sipping in to their drinks, they are busy narrating and swapping stories with each other. All of a sudden, a lady, in her late thirties, arrives at the bar and asks for wine. She joins the four friends with her drink. The chemistry of the group changes as all of them tries to impress the lady with their stories which in due course of time turns to Irish folklores with supernatural events. After all the male counterparts are done with their respective stories, the lady commences her narration of the melancholy

Friday, July 26, 2019

What are the main changes that the music industry has gone through Personal Statement

What are the main changes that the music industry has gone through since the 1980's - Personal Statement Example The technological development in recent years, has bankrupted record companies with the rise of legal downloading and the demand for live performances. What is more artists who try to sell their CDs during their concerts realized that fans prefer to buy a T-shirt for $20 instead a CD for $10. Therefore, artists now focus their attention on how to market T-shirts and other extra-musical extensions. Word of mount and internet sites like MySpace play a huge role in boosting popularity and music consumerism. Many groups decide to undertake the marketing of their music by themselves and succeed. An example is Take to the Skies which was the second unsigned band to sell out 2000 seats in London. In the past groups often tour to present their music losing the investment. Nowadays, is the other way round.Free downloading is perceived as excellent promotional tactics which will increase the audience and will stimulate the fans to attend concerts. Prince, is giving his fans a free copy of his newest CD if they come to his concerts at O2 in London. Music business analysts comments that record sales are in decline because of the wider music market today - live performances, video-clips, social networking, merchandising - they all influence the transformation of the consumer attitudes. Because of this the four big labels - Sony/BMG, Warner Music, Universal and EMI are struggling to keep up and apply cost-cutting operations for many years now. The publishers are trying to gain profits through different licensing, advertising, additional charges for films and outlets that try to open music stores. An example of the decline of record sales in given with Spice Girls debut album in 1996. Virgin a subsidiary of EMI sold the album for 13 GBP and the company's profit was more than 5 GBP. Today a CD costs no more than 9 GBP, and the actual expected profit (if the label is lucky) might be 2GBP. In comparison, the market for top-selling CDs in Great Britain decreased with 20% in the first quarter of 2007, as to the same period in 2006. The label's hope is that the demand for physical formats will be replaced by the growth of the download market. The last figures in the U.S show that the digital download was worth $ 981 million. The author notes that the music moved from being a high-margin product, into low-margin commodity. Buying an album with 10 songs when you like only three of them is an old-fashioned and uneconomical way of constructing a MP3 player music library. At the end of 1990s a single is sold for $5, today you can get a track for 99 cents at the iTune music store. The authors explains that the creation of the CD, brought it to its own destruction. Record companies manufactured CDs in remote places and sold them as more expensive format than the cassette or vinyl LP. CD burning software made it the easiest task to produce thousands of copies in just few minutes. Yet, another reason which ruined the music industry was the emergence of "file-sharing" illegal websites like Napster in the late 1990s. The industry underestimated the damages that this can cause and said that these activities were no harm to the music sales. The ultimate drop-off of the CD sales coincided with the emergence of the iTunes and the portable MP3 players. There is another fact which blames the music industry for the decline of the CD and that is the free distribution of albums through newspapers and magazines, which devalued the recorded music in general. Live music and tickets for live performances soared in comparison, however, it is difficult to prove that this directly affected the record companies. Finally music appreciation should be something more than just consuming, buying and listening to the song, music is sharing and that is why people shifted from individual at home consumption to attending live concerts. B) To what extent do you agree with the author's explanation for the current state of the music business Justify

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ethical Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethical Decision Making - Assignment Example This article also introduces the moral aspect of making suitable decision through a number of morality theories in society. Introduction The application of ethical concepts in various fields has provided numerous benefits to parties that are affected by criminal activities in society. However, during certain instances law enforcers face a number of challenges in the process of following provisions in the code of ethics hence introducing moral issues when solving these situations. This discourse places its focus on ethical decision-making and the implication of decisions made to various individuals and the society. Question 1 In this case, the best decision to make would be to approach the lieutenant’s supervisors and report the planned exoneration of the lieutenant’s brother from a certain case. This decision would be advised by the theory of utilitarianism and concepts in value ethics. First, according to the theory of utilitarian ethics an action is ethical if it resu lts to a higher number of positive consequences. Therefore, choosing not to follow the lieutenant’s advice would be moral since it would result to benefits such as availing justice to the offended in this case, cleaning of the criminal investigation department of unprofessional officers and abiding by the oath serving and protecting the citizens (Kapp,2004). Secondly, virtue ethics requires that the actions of an individual should portray suitable characteristics hence in this situation the officer is required to uphold honesty and transparency. This will ensure that the offended party receives justice through prosecution of the violators of the law (Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell, 2013) Question two According to ethics, making a decision based on the lieutenant’s report may result to a number of implications. These implications may affect individuals, the criminal investigation unit, and the law. Making a criminal investigations report based on compromised evidence a ffects individuals in a number of ways. First, making a report based on altered information may result to formation of a different case against offenders. This may result to denial of justice to the offended as the offender is left scot-free. According to ethical theories of consequentialism, this action would be immoral. Secondly, compiling of a criminal investigation report based on altered reports erodes the credibility of the criminal investigation unit (Kapp, 2004). This is because cases resulting from certain reports because more harm since perpetrators are left free hence a repeat of the crime may occur. According to virtue ethics, individual characters should enhance the compliance with the law. However, in this case compiling a report based on incomplete information makes serious violations on the law and virtue ethics. This may set an undesirable precedent in law enforcing organizations thus resulting to increased incidences of violation of the law and the code of ethics i n the criminal investigation units. Question three Approaching the lieutenant’s supervisors on this case would have various implications. First, approaching the supervisors on this case may result to a strained relationship among colleagues in the criminal investigation unit. This would hamper efficient operation of the department hence resulting to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Personal Identity and the Self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personal Identity and the Self - Essay Example In addition, the condition has been diagnosed to a significant number of patients found in psychiatric hospitals. MPD, also known as dissociative identity disorder, has many implications as to what it is to be a person at a particular time as well as over a period of time. This essay will seek to discuss these implications, with special reference to â€Å"Kim Noble: The Woman with 100 Personalities† by Amanda Mitchison. Causes dissociative identity disorder One of the key aspects of MPD is that medical professionals have not identified a specific cause of this condition. According to Psychological Theory, MPD can be traced to the trauma that was experienced during the childhood. For example, in the case of Kim Nobles, a woman with 100 personalities, the victim (Kim) experienced the unhappy marriage of her parents consequently being under the care of local acquaintances and friends. This indicates that she did not enjoy the parental love that is vital for the physical and psych ological growth of every child. In addition, Kim experienced extreme and repeated abuse (Amanda 2). As a result of this experience, she was largely traumatized and her personality was fragmented into separate identities. Just like other mental disorder, the possibility of the occurrence of MPD is high if the family has the history of the disorder. However, if a family member experiences the condition it does not imply that all other generation will suffer from MPD. According to Roxanne 28, depersonalization is also a major cause of Mental Identity Disorder. This is a condition that makes a person to have no control over a situation. Key aspects that victims experience include the view of the world as less real and lack of importance for living. Individuals who undergo severe trauma or prolonged stress have high chance of experiencing a chronic depersonalization. Additionally, individuals suffering from MPD feel like more than one person. This is based on the large number of personal ities that control them. For example, in the case of Kim, when there is a switch of personality and Patricia emerges, she does not remember what was happening in her absence. In the same way, when Patricia is asked about her sex life, she strongly declines of having any relationship but in the real sense Kim had a baby girl in 1997 (Amanda 3). Symptoms of dissociative identity disorder As mentioned earlier, a person suffering from MPD can experience large number of personalities that may range from two to hundreds. It is essential to note that half of the reported cases of MPD indicate that most of the victims possessed 10 or fewer personalities. The personalities that affect the self of a person can take their own postures. For example, they can be depicted through the change of gestures, change on the mode of talking and hairstyles as well as mode of dressing. The process through which an individual personality reveals itself and takes control of the person’s behavior is re ferred to as switching. Being triggered by the events surrounding the patients, switching can make the victim to change his or her behaviors in seconds. However, Leslie 36 argues that the changes can take hours or days. The section below discusses major symptoms that make us identify MPD among the people we are living with. One major symptom is the lapse of memory. For example, a

Stem cells Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stem cells - Research Paper Example James E. They started working in unison in the 1960s and their research laid an ideal platform for the others to take it forward from there and that is exactly what the others did. Stem cells are really useful and they have saved several lives which would not have been plausible had stem cells not been invented. â€Å"Mouse embryonic stem cells treated in culture with a growth factor and then injected into the liver reverse a form of hemophilia in mice analogous to hemophilia B in humans, the new study shows.† (Stem Cells Treated with Growth Factor) Stem cells have several pros and this paper will extensively shed light upon the various uses of stem cells, stem cells have changed many a life. What changes has it brought will also be shed light upon in this paper. The versatility of the stem cells is arguably their biggest strongest point, stem cells can easily grow in certain bodies and they are more than capable of achieving specialized functions. In addition to this they can also renew themselves on their very own and this versatility makes them really useful. There are two types of stem cells namely, Embryonic stem cells and Adult stem cells. The two are really different from each other and understandably have different characteristics. They also differ in functions from one another. Cancer patients undergo chemo and radiation therapy, stem cells are used in this treatment and they have been pivotal in saving several lives. James Thomson and his pupils worked indefatigably hard in the Madison University, stem cell research has been put on the world map because of James Thomson and his pupils. Their research has been incredible and they have made significant progress in the field of stem cell research. â€Å"Adult or somatic stem cells exist throughout the body after embryonic development and are found inside of different types of tissue. These stem cells have been found in tissues such as the brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscles, skin,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Consumer Behavior Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consumer Behavior - Research Proposal Example "Hostile attitudes towards expatriates held by many Gulf hosts are not conducive to successful interaction between the two groups. Many natives are alarmed by the erosive effect these expatriates may have on their local culture and identity" Atiyyah (1996). Some of the Non-resident Indians have gone into private banking and wealth management2. In UK South Asians are only 2% of the working age population; but their achievement is significant. Socio-cultural factors of long hours of work and socio-economic factors like higher education have contributed to their success. With delegation of responsibilities, and converting it into a family business with family members and friends help, trying to get cheaper labour from the community, these small entrepreneurs had been successful in creating capital and a comfortable life. "An important aspect not considered by ethnic resources and opportunities theory is the role of socio-economic resources such as the level of education and the class background of migrants, emphasised by Light (1984), in stimulating entrepreneurial entry and expansion" Basu and Goswamy (1999). They have They have managed well in small businesses with supporting ethnic clientele, previous business and professional experience, business inheritance in countries of origin, size of the starting up capital, informal capital from family and friends without interest and eliminating repaying pressure. They start in an extremely small way and this enables them to adjust and avoids difficult financial necessities. They have Asian clientele, ethnic labour, family support, and easy cash flow for expansion. The Indian-American group is described as: "The first group, who came to the USA in the 1960s, are generally well-educated successful men, with homemaker wives and adult children. The second group came in the 1970s and are also well educated. However, both the husband and wife are employed, and they typically have young children. The third group is generally less-educated and typically own motels and convenience stores (Mogelonsky, 1995)" from Kaufman-Scarborough (2000). They have achieved immense amount of success through socialization, consumer acculturation and traditional assimilation3. It is a fact that misconceptions exist due to media about this group. Organisations usually tend to over generalize certain similarities. They believe that all Indian population could be grouped together into a single segment. India is too large a country where regional dissimilarities are prominent. Another misconception is one Indian language is understood by all, which again is wrong, because there are hundreds of languages in India. Third one since all Indians seem to know English, it can be used to interview or advertise for them. Again this is wrong; they might know English, but not 'consumer English'4. Also it should be kept in mind that this group is growing rapidly due to education, mobilization and western need of IT experts, and cannot be

Monday, July 22, 2019

BDM midterm Essay Example for Free

BDM midterm Essay Ralph Edmund loves steak and potatoes. Therefore, he has decided to go on a steady diet of only these two foods for all his meals. Ralph realizes that this is not the healthiest diet, so he wants to make sure that he eats the right quantities of the two foods to satisfy some key nutritional requirements. He has obtained the following nutritional and costs data. The Oak Works is a family owned business that makes hand crafted dining room tables and chairs. They obtain the oak from a local tree farm, which ships them 2500 pounds of oak each month. Each table uses 50 pounds of oak while each chair uses 25 pounds of oak. The family builds all the furniture itself and has 480 hours of labour available each month. Each table or chair requires 6 hours of labour. Each table nets Oak Works $400 in profit, while each chair nets them $100 in profit. Since chairs are often sold with tables they want to produce at least twice as many chairs as tables. Formula a linear program to maximize profit.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

United States Agency for International Development Africa

United States Agency for International Development Africa William H Goss As the process of globalization inexorably ties nations, regions, and continents into a greater interconnected web of interaction, the recognition emerges that the condition of a particular geopolitical location is bound to the condition of the world as a whole. Conflict, poverty, and disease in one country may have negative consequences for another despite great spatial distance. Conversely, improvements in governance, economics, and public health in even a single city or town may have positive reverberating effects across distant continents. In regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) defines specific sectors such as Agriculture and Food Security, Education, Water and Sanitation, Crises and Conflict, and Global Health, and applies specific goals to each one. As a global actor, USAID approaches sub-Saharan African countries in west, east, and south sub-regions as individual cases in need of both immediate and long-term soluti ons for relief and development. USAID’s mission is shaped by the belief that improvements to a broad range of development sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa will enhance the national security of the United States. USAID operates through public-private collaborative efforts that provide financial and technical assistance in distinct but synergistic sectors. USAID is a relatively young governmental agency that has periodically shifted its organization and strategies to achieve evolving goals worldwide. USAID was created by the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, which consolidated existing foreign aid organizations under one agency (Ballantyne Dugan, 2012). From the onset, USAID leaders recognized the connection between international well-being and the well-being of the United States. In 1962 President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress, stating â€Å"Our efforts to help [other nations] help themselves, to demonstrate and strengthen the vitality of free institutions, are small in cost compared to our military outlays for the defense of freedom† (Ballantyne Dugan, 2012). Countries in sub-Saharan Africa have been a focus of USAID since its inception, and have become increasingly emphasized in recent times. In the 1960’s, USAID offered assistance in thirty-one sub-Saharan African countries in order to improve levels of education , agricultural productivity, and rural road development (Ballantyne Dugan, 2012). Today, there is a multifaceted USAID plan for forty-two countries in the region (U.S. Agency for International Development, 2015). The region of Sub-Saharan Africa, massive in terms of size and environmental, ethnic, and cultural diversity, possesses a complex series of human issues that are influenced by history, geography, and global interactions. Of all the countries in the world, the twenty-two lowest ranking on the Human Development Index a measure of an average citizen’s health, knowledge, and standard of living are all located in Africa (Marston et. al, 2014). European colonialism has left a legacy that continues to challenge African nations. During the 1884-1885 Berlin Conference, European powers created arbitrary boundaries on the African continent that grouped distinct and sometimes hostile ethnic, cultural, and religious populations together (Marston et. al, 2014). The transitions from colonial territories to independent nations were not uniform; instead, some countries developed stable, effective democracies while others are still marred with military dictatorships, corruption, and violence. Changes to infrastructure during Africa’s colonial period are still evidenced by the exportation of cash crops introduced by Europeans, such as tea plantations in Kenya and peanuts in Nigeria and Senegal (Marston et. al, 2014). Dependence upon a small group of agricultural exports, it can be argued, have made many African nations vulnerable to fluctuations in global prices and demand and have likely contributed to low levels economic development. The essence of USAID’s motivation for its actions around the world and in sub-Saharan Africa rests on the premise that U.S. national security is bound to the stability of regions experiencing poverty, conflict, or other social issues. USAID defines itself as â€Å"[..] the lead government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential† (U.S. Agency for International Development, 2015). This mission statement is compatible with larger U.S. strategic imperatives in Africa. AFRICOM, a agency of the U.S. Defense department focused on military and strategic objectives in Africa, is one such partner. Sharon Cromer, the Senior Deputy Assistant Administer in USAID’s Bureau for Africa, stated to the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights that â€Å"[†¦] USAID and AFRICOM engagement is mutually supportive of U.S. foreign policy objectives. [†¦] Instability, poverty, and diseas e travel with ease across oceans and borders† (U.S Congress, 2011). Despite the overarching goal of ensured U.S. security, however, USAID is unique from other U.S. governmental bodies in its focus on humanitarian aid in a wide range of categories. The ability to provide reliable sustenance is one of the most primeval combinations of skills and knowledge that enable a population to thrive and develop. But when geographical, ecological and historical factors impede a population’s ability to feed itself, the overall productivity and well-being of society deteriorates. With less than 30% of sub-Saharan African soil able to be cultivated in addition to the devastation that pests like locusts and the Quela bird can wreak on crops African populations have necessarily developed adaptations appropriate for their respective ecological area (Marston .et all, 2014). However, the impacts of colonialism’s emphasis on export crops, as well as the effects of global climate change, have reduced the capacity of agriculture to provide food within the region. One approach USAID has taken in the pursuit of greater food security has been to provide education and technical assistance in the field of agriculture. For example, since th e 1960’s USAID has supported institutions of higher learning such as Egerton College, a Kenyan university that leads the country’s study of agriculture and biotech (Toh, 2012). Another example of USAID’s effort to boost agricultural diversity can be found in developing dairy production in Kenya. Through the 1990’s and 2000’s, financial, technical, and training assistance were provided to the Siongiroi dairy plant, the success of which spurred economic growth in farming, transportation, and exchange (Toh, 2012). Even more immediate in necessity than nutritious food is safe, reliable water for drinking and sanitation. In the midst of violent conflict, access to water can become tenuous at best. Sudan experienced civil war from 1955 to 1972 and 1983 to 1995, killing and displacing millions of people in and around the country (Marston et. al, 2014). Furthermore, the conflict destroyed physical infrastructure and social cohesiveness essential to maintaining utilities. In the recently-independent country of South Sudan, for example, USAID estimates that at least 30% of the population lacks access to safe drinking water and only 13% has the opportunity to use sanitation facilities (U.S. Agency for International Development, 2015). To increase the availability of clean water, USAID has made partnerships with private corporations. In Wau, South Sudan, USAID teams repaired the defunct water-treatment facility and expanded its operations under the Wau Urban Water Corp (U.S. Agency for International De velopment, 2015). Public Health is a particularly salient developmental sector that has profound impacts on individuals, families, and communities in countries and around the world. The current Ebola epidemic in west sub-Saharan Africa has garnered widespread media attention and international responses. Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is caused by four of the five strains of the Ebola virus, which is transmitted through the contact of bodily fluids and is fatal in up to 50% of cases (CDC, 2015). USAID sent a Disaster Assistance Relief Team (DART) to West Africa in August 2014 (U.S. Agency for International Development, 2015). In that month, the number of suspected, probable, and confirmed EVD cases was 1600, with 900 deaths. In April 2015, the total number of EVD cases was 26,277, with 10,884 deaths in the countries of Liberia, Sierra Leon, Guinea, and Mali (U.S. Agency for International Development, 2015). This epidemic constitutes the largest Ebola outbreak in history (CDC, 2015). With such tragically hig h death rates, the fear that the Ebola virus will continue to spread has infected the minds of many citizens and leaders in far away nations, including the United States. In order to combat the threat of a continuing Ebola virus epidemic and to provide relief and stabilization in affected countries, USAID has adopted a multifaceted approach that involves collaboration between other U.S. medical and military agencies, non-governmental organizations, and local people. USAID’s DART to West Africa â€Å"includes staff from [†¦] USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Departments of Defense and Health and Human Services† (U.S. Agency for International Development, 2015). Possessing a large budget and hierarchical structure overseeing specialized task forces, USAID is able to organize the distribution of funding, logistical transport of goods and people, and communication with other groups to achieve a particular goal. A major strength of USAID is its resource base and ability to deliver goods with flexibility, as well as communicate with other supportive organizations. Due to the highly contagious nature of EVD, health care practitioners in affected areas need specialized protective wear such as facemasks, gloves, and aprons to protect themselves from infection. In addition, sanitizing chemicals that can neutralize the virus from the equipment are of paramount necessity. One such chemical is High Test Hypochlorite (HTH), which due to its unstable chemical nature can cause explosions if handled incorrectly. To address this safety hazard, USAID organized the delivery via cargo ship of 53 metric tons of HTH to Guinea and 38 tons to Sierra Leone, which was then distributed by truck to necessary areas (Han, 2015). Logistical assistance such as this contributes to the overall goals of containment and treatment of EVD. In the countries of Sierra Leon, Guinea, and Liberia –which have been the most heavily infected during the Ebola crisis – the dissemination of factual information to the public helps dispel myths that have inadvertently help the disease spread. Such myths held by some Liberians include the belief that the Ebola Virus is a hoax, or that patients who go to treatment clinics are experimented on (Mobula 2014). Such myths can dissuade people who are infected or at risk of infection from seeking treatment and spread the disease to others. In a country with fractured communication systems, it can be difficult to reach the ears of the larger community with clarifying information. USAID has partnered with a NGO called Internews that supports Guinean Journalists to cover stories about Ebola (Han, 2015). Some of the most effective reporting has come from within Ebola treatment centers, where interviews with health care providers, patients, and survivors transmitted via radio help to gain the trust and respect of listening native audiences. One contributing factor to the proliferation of EVD in West African countries has been the overall lack or underdevelopment of health care facilities, trained practitioners, and infrastructure. In Liberia for example, one of USAID’s focuses is to continue to develop public health services even as the number of Ebola patients continues to fall. This action is taken in the belief that future outbreaks of infectious diseases will be better able to be contained. In Liberia, USAID funded a training program that worked with a Johns-Hopkins affiliated organization called Jhpiego to instruct health care workers on proper techniques for treating EVD infected patients while remaining safe themselves (Dale, 2015). The medical knowledge specific to the Ebola virus that has been acquired and spread will also be valuable in a broader public health context. It is difficult to assess completely the complex interactions of agriculture and education, humanitarian conflicts and drinking water access, and public health in a global context. That being said, global actors such as USAID theorize that positive developments in distinct but synergistic sectors will amplify to reach the greater good of all. In sub-Saharan African countries facing social or environmental problems, USAID works to implement immediate and long-term solutions for relief and development. Through public-private collaborative efforts, USAID funds and supplies progressive actions in mutually-supportive sectors of development. Works Cited Ballantyne, J., Dugan, M. (Eds.). (2012). Fifty Years in USAID: Stories From the Front Lines. Arlington Hall Press. Coordinating Africa Policy on Security, Counterterrorism, Humanitarian Operations and Development, House of Representatives, 112th Congress. (2011). Dale, K. (2015, April 6). Moving Beyond Ebola: Rebuilding Liberias Health Care System. Retrieved May 6, 2015, from rebuilding-liberias-health-care-system/ Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever. (2015, April 14). Retrieved April 18, 2015, from Han, C. (2015, April 10). How Guinea’s Journalists Are Fighting to Win the War Against Ebola. Retrieved April 26, 2015, from are-fighting-to-win-the-war-against-ebola/ Han, C. (2015, March 10). USAID Takes to the High Seas to Bring Reinforcements to Guinea’s Ebola Fight. Retrieved April 26, 2015, from the-high-seas-to-bring-reinforcements-to-guineas-ebola-fight-2/ Mobula, L.M. (2014). Courage is not the absence of fear: responding to the Ebola outbreak in Liberia. Glob Health Sci Pract. 487-489. from: of_fear_responding_to_the_Ebola_outbreak_in_Liberia Marston, S., Knox, P., Liverman, D., Del Casino, V., Robbins, P. (2014). World Regions in Global Context (5th ed.). Pearson Education. Onishi, N. (2015, April 11). Empty Ebola Clinics in Liberia Are Seen as Misstep in U.S. Relief Effort. Retrieved April 7, 2015, from as-misstep-in-us-relief-effort.html?_r=0 Toh, K. (2012). Long-Term Perspectives on Aid and Development in Africa. Fifty Years in USAID: Stories From the Front Lines. Arlington Hall Press. U.S. Agency for International Development. (2015, May 4). Retrieved May 5, 2015, from United States Africa Command. (n.d.). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from Urban, A. (2015, April 15). Working to Beat Ebola Along the Border. Retrieved April 27, 2015, from

Negative Absolute Temperature Thermodynamics

Negative Absolute Temperature Thermodynamics T.H. Tennahewa Thermodynamics and Statistical mechanics at Negative Absolute Temperature We define the temperature, T; by in here S stands for Entropy which describes the measure of disorder in the system and U for Internal energy. In here x stands for the partial differentiation that should hold constant in the thermodynamic equation relating TdS and dU. this relation comes from the first law of Thermodynamics. That is; ; We can define temperature with relating Enthalpy (H) also. That is in here too y stands for the partial differentiation that should hold constant in the thermodynamic equation relating TdS and dH. Below is the derivation of above equation. We called absolute temperature as a temperature where on the Kelvin scale 0 K as the absolute zero point, where all motion in a classical gas would stop. Most systems, including a classical gas are limited to positive absolute temperatures. In order to be able to reach negative temperatures, a system needs to possess an upper bound for the energy of its particles, which is a maximal possible energy a particle of the system can have. This limit is not an external limit in the sense that there is just no more energy available. It is an internal limit the particles cannot absorb more energy even if there is plenty available. It is important to note that the negative temperature region, with more of the atoms in the higher allowed energy state, is actually warmer than the positive temperature region. If this system were to be brought into contact with a system containing more atoms in a lower energy state (positive temperatures) heat would flow from the system with the negative temperat ures to the system with the positive temperatures. By the definition of temperature we can describe above figure. If the energy in the system is minimum (Emin), all particles are in the lowest possible energy state and the entropy is zero. The curve is vertical at this point with an infinite slope and temperature is therefore zero. If the energy increases, the particles begin to occupy higher energy states, and the entropy increases. There are, however, always more particles at low energies than at high energies this is same as the usual Boltzmann distribution. (Figure 2 below) The slope of the entropy versus energy curve decreases and the temperature therefore increases. At some point, when there is enough energy in the system, the particles distribute equally over all energy states. Therefore the disorder and the entropy are maximum. The curve is completely flat at this point, with a slope of zero, and the temperature is therefore infinite. If the total energy in the system is further increased, more particles will occupy high energies than low energies this is same as the inverted of the Bolt zmann distribution. Because the energy distribution becomes narrower again, disorder and entropy starts to decrease. This is not a usual behavior because usually entropy increases with increasing energy. The slope of the curve is negative in this region and therefore the absolute temperature is negative. If the energy in the system is maximum (Emax), all particles are at their maximum possible energy. The entropy is again zero. The curve is again vertical therefore the temperature is again zero, but this time it is negative values. Thus, while a temperature of positive and negative infinity is physically identical, temperatures of positive and negative zero are very different. Because of that we could write temperature range as +0 K, +300 K, , +∞ K, −∞ K, , −300 K, , −0 K. Figure 2- The Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution In the Carnot cycle of a heat engine heat absorbed from the hot reservoir and heat rejected to the cold reservoir while work done by the system. In that case we define the efficiency of the process as, In here Q1 is a heat absorbed at temperature T1 and Q2 is a heat rejected at temperature T2. In heat engine T2 / T1 2 / T1 > 1, therefore efficiency is negative and can be very large. In this case work has to be supplied to maintain the cycle. It should be noted that when Carnot cycle is operated between two negative temperatures that is work is done by the machine while heat absorbed from cold reservoir and rejected to hot reservoir. Efficiency of the system is not only positive but it is also less than unity. Thus at both positive and negative temperatures cyclic heat engines which produce work have efficiencies less than unity that is they absorb more heat than produced work. Second law of thermodynamics should have to modify to use with this kind of Carnot cycle. In there, entropy formulation and Clausius statement remain unchanged and Kelvin-Plank formulation has to be changed. They are mentioned below. Entropy formulation The entropy of a system is a variable of its state and the entropy of an isolated system can never decrease. Clausius Statement It is impossible to construct a device operating in a closed cycle that will produce no other effect than the transfer of heat from a cooler to hotter body. Kelvin- Plank formulation It is impossible to construct an engine, which is operating in a cycle produces no other effect except to external heat from a single reservoir and do equivalent amount of work. Modified statement: It is impossible to construct an engine that will operate in a closed cycle and produce no effect other than the extraction of heat from a positive temperature reservoir with the performance of an equivalent amount of work or the rejection of heat into a negative temperature reservoir with the corresponding work being done on the engine. Carathà ©odory form In any neighborhood of any state there are states that cannot be reached from it by an adiabatic process. Both first and second laws of thermodynamics can be used at negative temperatures as at positive ones to derive other thermodynamic relations. From these laws it is interpreted that the difficulty of heating a hot system at negative temperatures is analogous to the difficulty in cooling a cold system at positive temperature. The important requirements for thermodynamical system to be capable for negative temperature are: The elements of the thermodynamical system must be in thermodynamical equilibrium among themselves in order to describe the system by temperature. There must be an upper limit of the possible energy of the allowed states of the system. It is need a lower bound for the energy in order to get positive temperatures and an upper bound in order to get negative temperatures. The system must be thermally isolated from all systems which do not satisfy both of the above conditions. To satisfy the second condition negative temperatures are to be achieved with a finite energy. In thermal equilibrium the number of elements in the mth state is proportional to the Boltzmann factor; here Wm is energy of the mth state. Boltzmann distribution function which is formed using Boltzmann factor is given below. In negative temperature case when Wm increases with that Boltzmann factor increases exponentially therefore high energy states are more occupied than low energy states. As a result of this we could say that without an upper limit to the energy negative temperatures could not be achieved with a finite energy. Since most of the systems do not satisfy this conditions negative temperatures are occurs rarely. Spin systems sometimes form the thermodynamic systems which can describe by using temperature. In there for a system of electron spins in a lattice, a temperature such that the population of the energy levels of the spin system is given by the Boltzmann distributionwith the spin temperature. To achieve thermodynamic equilibrium various nuclear spins must interact among themselves. This happened due to nuclear spin-spin magnetic interaction. Subatomic particles like electrons, protons and neutrons can be imagined as spinning on their axes. In many atoms these spins are paired against each other, such that the nucleus of the atom has no overall spin. In some atoms the nucleus has shown overall spin. The rules for determining the net spin of a nucleus are given below; If the number of neutrons  and  the number of protons are both even, then the nucleus has  NO  spin. (Classical Particles) If the number of neutrons  plus  the number of protons is odd, then the nucleus has a half-integer spin (i.e. 1/2, 3/2, 5/2) (Fermions) If the number of neutrons  and  the number of protons are both odd, then the nucleus has an integer spin (i.e. 1, 2, 3) (Boson) It is defined in Quantum mechanics that a nucleus of spinIwill have 2I+ 1 possible orientations. A nucleus with spin 1/2 will have 2 possible orientations. In the absence of an external magnetic field, these orientations are of equal energy. If a magnetic field is applied, then the energy levels split. When the nucleus is in a magnetic field, the initial populations of the energy levels are determined by thermodynamics, as described by the Boltzmann distribution. It means that†the lower energy level will contain slightly more nuclei than the higher level†. It is possible to excite these nuclei into the higher level with electromagnetic radiation. The frequency of radiation needed is determined by the difference in energy between the energy levels. This spin-spin process can be characterized by using relaxation process. Nuclei in the higher energy state return to the lower state by emitting the radiation. At radio frequencies, re-emission is negligible. There are two main relaxation processes; Spin lattice (longitudinal) relaxation Spin spin (transverse) relaxation Spin lattice relaxation (T1) Nuclei which are in a sample create a complex magnetic field. The magnetic field caused by motion of nuclei within the lattice is called thelattice field. This lattice field has many components. Some of these components will be equal in frequency and phase to the Larmor frequency of the nuclei of interest. These components of the lattice field can interact with nuclei in the higher energy state and cause them to lose energy returning to the lower state. The energy that a nucleus loses increases the amount of vibration and rotation within the lattice resulting in a tiny rise in the temperature of the sample. The relaxation time,T1(the average lifetime of nuclei in the higher energy state) is dependent on the magnetogyric ratio of the nucleus and the mobility of the lattice. As mobility increases, the vibrational and rotational frequencies increase, making it more likely for a component of the lattice field to be able to interact with excited nuclei. However, at extremely high mobilities, the probability of a component of the lattice field being able to interact with excited nuclei decreases. Spin spin relaxation (T2) This is describing the interaction between neighbouring nuclei with identical precessional frequencies but differing magnetic quantum states. In this case, the nuclei can exchange quantum states; a nucleus in the lower energy level will be excited, while the excited nucleus relaxes to the lower energy state. There is nonetchange in the populations of the energy states, but the average lifetime of a nucleus in the excited state will decrease. This can result in line-broadening. Most of the nuclear systems don’t satisfy the conditions in negative temperatures. By looking at all these things we can conclude that although the phenomena of negative temperature is a fully valid concept in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics they have less important than phenomena of positive temperature. 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Perceptions of War :: Violence Fighting War Essays

Perceptions of War One of the most interesting conflicts of perception, in my mind, is that of opposing soldiers in war. The outlook on World War II, from an American soldiers point of view, was vastly different than that of a German soldier. Both felt very strongly, that they were the righteous. This is hard for me to compare, seeing as I did not experience the events, but I will compare both points of view as accurately as I can. First of all, there is, and always has been a certain subliminal motivation, for American men to join the military. We are raised on stories of our fathers heroics in battle. The need to prove ourselves in combat is ingrained in our minds, since the first time we played war with our friends, as children. Almost every generation in history has their war after all. I believe many American men felt this need during World War II, stronger than any other period in American history. The country had just begun to recover from the depression, and Americans wanted to reestablish a sense of National pride. Once Germany and Japan declared war on the U.S., men were flocking to recruitment offices. The new recruits saw Nazi Germany as the tyrant of the world. They felt it was their duty to protect the interests of the globe from the German invaders. The Nazi Regime was like the dragon that must be slain, and we were the enlightened knight, who’s sword would crash down upon the beast like the hammer of justice. After rumors of the ill treatment of Jews, reached the U.S., thousands of Jewish American men joined the military. They were motivated by the age old dispute of religion. They wanted to help their fellow Jews, and wreak revenge upon the evil Nazis. Once in the field the soldiers point of view was only solidified, by the cruel horrors of war. Politics faded away, and hatred for the enemy is spawned by the death of your comrades. This hatred is taken out, not on a single man, but on every German encountered. Stories from the front, of capture, torture and brutal fighting, scared and angered American troops. Germany’s highly advanced weaponry, and relentless defense of every town, bridge, and hill, did not help the psychological effects on the G.I.’s mind. Regardless of all the violence, chaos and hardship suffered by the American soldier, he still knew he was fighting against tyranny. Perceptions of War :: Violence Fighting War Essays Perceptions of War One of the most interesting conflicts of perception, in my mind, is that of opposing soldiers in war. The outlook on World War II, from an American soldiers point of view, was vastly different than that of a German soldier. Both felt very strongly, that they were the righteous. This is hard for me to compare, seeing as I did not experience the events, but I will compare both points of view as accurately as I can. First of all, there is, and always has been a certain subliminal motivation, for American men to join the military. We are raised on stories of our fathers heroics in battle. The need to prove ourselves in combat is ingrained in our minds, since the first time we played war with our friends, as children. Almost every generation in history has their war after all. I believe many American men felt this need during World War II, stronger than any other period in American history. The country had just begun to recover from the depression, and Americans wanted to reestablish a sense of National pride. Once Germany and Japan declared war on the U.S., men were flocking to recruitment offices. The new recruits saw Nazi Germany as the tyrant of the world. They felt it was their duty to protect the interests of the globe from the German invaders. The Nazi Regime was like the dragon that must be slain, and we were the enlightened knight, who’s sword would crash down upon the beast like the hammer of justice. After rumors of the ill treatment of Jews, reached the U.S., thousands of Jewish American men joined the military. They were motivated by the age old dispute of religion. They wanted to help their fellow Jews, and wreak revenge upon the evil Nazis. Once in the field the soldiers point of view was only solidified, by the cruel horrors of war. Politics faded away, and hatred for the enemy is spawned by the death of your comrades. This hatred is taken out, not on a single man, but on every German encountered. Stories from the front, of capture, torture and brutal fighting, scared and angered American troops. Germany’s highly advanced weaponry, and relentless defense of every town, bridge, and hill, did not help the psychological effects on the G.I.’s mind. Regardless of all the violence, chaos and hardship suffered by the American soldier, he still knew he was fighting against tyranny.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jonathans Swifts Real Argument :: essays research papers

Jonathan's Swift's Real Argument God only knows from whence came Freud's theory of penis envy, but one of his more tame theories, that of "reverse psychology", may have its roots in the satire of the late Jonathan Swift. I do not mean to assert that Swift employed or was at all familiar with that style of persuasion, but his style is certainly comparable. Reverse psychology (as I chose to define it for this paper) means taking arguments that affirm an issue to such a degree that they seem absurd, and thus oppose the issue. Swift, in "An Argument [Against] The Abolishing Of Christianity In England" stands up for Christianity, and based on the absurdity of his defense, he inadvertently desecrates it. He sets up a fictitious society in which Christianity is disregarded and disdained, but nominal Christianity remains. The author writes to defend this nominal Christianity from abolition. The arguments that the author uses, which are common knowledge in his time, if applied to Christianity in Swift's time would be quite dangerous allegations. Indeed, the reasons that Swift gives for the preservation of the fictitious Christianity are exactly what he sees wrong with the Christianity practiced in his time. By applying Swift's satirical argument for the preservation of this fictitious religion to that which was currently practiced, Swift asserts that their Christianity served ulterior motives, both for the government and for the people. If we are to prove that the government was using religion for selfish purposes, we must be sure that it was not serving its intended purpose, the assurance of the moral sanctity of its policies. This is quite evident in the author's comment that if real Christianity was revived, it would be, "destroy at one blow all the wit and half the learning of the kingdom; to break the entire frame and constitution of things[.]" This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christianity has no influence on the government's current policies. It even seems as if the government established Church isn't completely rooted in Christianity, as the author weakly suggests that, "[A]bolishing Christianity may perhaps bring the church into danger." The ways that the government actually uses Christianity are completely selfish. One such purpose is the consolation of allies, "among whom, for we ought to know, it may be the custom of the country to believe a God." He later goes on to suggest the abolition of Christianity in peace-time in order to avoid the loss of allies. It also seems as if the government uses Christianity to pacify the commoners. Although Swift sarcastically interjects, "Not that I [agree] with those who hold religion to

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Basque and Kosovo: A quest for freedom

In the latter part of the 1990’s, the region of Kosovo gained international media attention when the armies of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic were deployed with the purpose of crushing the desire of the majority Albanian initiative for independence (BBC News 4, 2006).In the chronology of the 20th century, the two opposing sides in the country, Serbs and the native Albanians, had launched attempts to wrest control of the volatile region (BBC, 2006). Yugoslavia was then known as the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes before the onset of the First World War (BBC 3, 2008).In 1929, the state was reconstituted to the name Yugoslavia (BBC 3, 2008). Though an ethnically diverse autonomous state, tribal irritation was still very prevalent (BBC 3, 2008). During the leadership of Josip Broz Tito, the province of Kosovo and Vojodina was accorded autonomy by the government (BBC 3, 2008). But after Tito’s demise, the country began to disintegrate (BBC 3, 2008). It should be noted that the Serbians constituted only a small fraction of the entire population, the province of Kosovo was held in high reverence by the Serbs (BBC 4, 2006).To the Serbs, Kosovo was the bassinet of the heritage, erudition and their identity (BBC 4, 2006). In the constitution of the former Yugoslavia, the fundamental law set the parameters of the state of Kosovo as a semi-independent province of Serbia (BBC 4, 2006). The movement for independence began to gain stem in the 1980’s with the demise of then Yugoslav dictator Josip Broz Tito (BBC 4, 2006). The portents of trouble in the Kosovo province started in the powder keg town of Mitrovica (BBC 1, 2008).Two hand grenades were lobbed at the two world bodies’ buildings (BBC 1, 2008). The first grenade exploded in the vicinity of a United Nations edifice, the other failing to explode at the new offices of the European Union delegation (BBC 1, 2008). In the former Yugoslav capital city of Belgrade, protestors hurled roc ks and destroyed windows in the United States embassy office as crowd control forces attempted to defend against an estimated 1,000 protestors (BBC 1, 2008). The US embassy was not totally caught off guard (BBC 2, 2008).The American diplomatic building was empty at the time the rioters began their assault on the complex (BBC 2, 2008). Many foreign states had been wary that the security authorities in the country would do much of anything to try and establish control of the situation (BBC 2, 2008). The primary factor that became the trigger in the minds of the protesters was by twin events (BBC 2, 2008). First, the rioters were incensed by the promulgation of the Kosovo province of their independence (BBC 2, 2008).The other was the rapid action of the United States and many other countries to officially recognize the new nation (BBC 2, 2008). In a moment, history was made for the people of Kosovo (BBC 1, 2008). Premier Hashim Thaci declared that the new independent nation would be fo unded on respecting the rights of all native groups in the province (BBC 1, 2008). In the 1990’s various movements for the securing of independence was established on the principles of non violent aggression (BBC 4, 2008). In 1991, tribal Albanians leaders had on its won declared independence for their state (BBC 4, 2008).In the summer of 1998, many Albanians were beginning to stage protest actions against the authority of Serbia (BBC 4, 2008). As the increasing protests grew, Milosevic sent police and army contingents in the region to destroy the independence movement (BBC 4, 2008). 1999 saw the international trying to broker and finalize an accord for the restoration of order in the troubled region (BBC 4, 2008). The accord was accepted with reservations by the tribal Albanians but was turned down by Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic (BBC 4, 2008). Basque: protecting a language and a way of lifeIf the struggle in Kosovo was centered on the conflict of losing a cultural and national center, the Euskera-speaking Basques have been trying to defend their use of their language (BBC 5, 1999). For many millennia, the people of the Basque region in Spain have focused the main primer of their struggle on the preservation of their language and culture (BBC 5, 1999). But the history of the Basques as a people has been a mystery to many (BBC 5, 1999). Even their language, Euskera, is not connected with any of the Indo-European language groups spoken in the rest of European continent (BBC 5, 1999).Not only is the preservation of their native language at the core of the struggle of the Basque people, but also its defense (BBC 5, 1999). When democracy was revived in Spain after the 1975 demise of Spanish dictator General Francisco Franco, the language has since began to thrive and flourish (BBC 5, 1999). Of the estimated 2. 5 million Basques, Euskera is spoken by 30 percent of the population (BBC 5, 1999). An overwhelming majority of Basque children take up the lang uage at schools teaching Eukera (BBC 5, 1999). The earliest history of the Basque people pictures them as hardy and belligerent warriors (BBC 5, 1999).They fought off many invading armies from their territories (BBC 5, 1999). This they accomplished against the mighty Roman Empire, the ferocious Vikings and the Germanic tribe of the Visigoths, as well as Muslim trespassers (BBC 5, 1999). Hence many of the invading forces chose to steer away from the region (BBC 5, 1999). Also, Basques have developed the image of fearsome fisher folk (BBC 5, 1999). They were believed to have constructed vessels that they used to travel large swaths of ocean to fish for whales and cod fish (BBC 5, 1999).It was also believed that the Basques landed on the North American continent centuries before the discovery of the continent by Christopher Columbus (BBC 5, 1999). Ironically, a great number of the crew of Columbus’ ships was comprised of Basques (BBC 5, 1999). The struggle for an independent hom eland began during the incumbency of Spanish strongman General Francisco Franco (BBC 5, 1999). In the Spanish Civil War during the 1930’s, the Basques opposed the Nationalist armies of Franco sent to crush them (BBC 5, 1999). In anger, Franco declared the regions and its provinces as renegades (BBC 5, 1999).Franco found the task of crushing the nation difficult, and this is where the armed schismatic group, the ETA, or Euskadi Ta Azkatasuna, was formed (BBC 6, 2008). The ETA began as a student protest group in the 1960’s fiercely opposed to the stifling military rule (BBC 6, 2008). During the rule of General Franco, the Eureska language was interdicted, their unique culture was outlawed and members of the academe were incarcerated and persecuted (BBC 6, 2008). In the ensuing years of the struggle of the ETA, 820 people, many of them members of Spain’s police and politicians at odds with the demands of the ETA (BBC 6, 2008).Both the Basque state and the region of Catalonia have more than just their standing being components of Spain (Jason Richard Young, 2008). These two entities also want to have a greater separation from that larger political body (Young, 2008). The history for the drive of independence in the Basque region originate in the 7th century, with the Catalonia cause coming in at around the 10th and the 13th centuries (Young, 2008). How are they similar with the Yugoslav independence movement? Both of the movements in Spain and Yugoslavia were floundered nationalism (Young, 2008).Both of the movements flopped in the integration of their ethnic components to a singular common identity (Young, 2008). The nationalisms of Serbia and the Basques were conceived as political machinations (Young, 2008). These were conceptualized as programs to preserve and protect their individual erudite associations form infiltration from assimilation from other groups, as well as recognition as a distinct ethnic state (Young, 2008). The French withd rawal from the Pyrenees in 1530 has somewhat built a wall of separation among the Spanish and French Basques (Robert Clark, 1979).References BBC 1. (2008). Kosovo MP’s proclaim independence. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/7249034. stm BBC 2. (2008). Serbia faces crossroads over Kosovo. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/7258842. stm BBC 3. (2008). How Yugoslavia vanished from maps. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/7251376. stm BBC 4. (2006). Flashbacks to Kosovo’s war. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/5165042. stm BBC 5. (1999).Analysis: Basque pride. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/548545. stm BBC 6. (2008). Who are ETA? Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/3500728. stm Clark, R. P. (1979). The Basques, the Franco years and beyond. Nevada, U. S. A: Univ ersity of Nevada Press. Young, J. R. (2008). Nationalism and ethnicity as identity politics in Eastern Europe and the Basque country. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from https://circle. ubc. ca/bitstream/2429/2262/1/ubc_2009_spring_young_jason. pdf

Despite Their Cultural Differences Essay

Despite Their Cultural Differences, Do Jeanette From Oranges Are Not The solo produce & Celie From The Colour Purple Both apportion The Same Struggle?The cultural differences of the 2 characters ar numerous and the implications far reaching. The b atomic number 18 but comfortable working score security of Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, contrasts greatly with the urban squalidness of The Colour Purple. Even though thither is such a massive mixer divide the two women share umteen similar struggles.Both women are try against the imposition and enforcement of belief systems and intolerant judgements upon them. In Jeanettes life her mother mainly imposes her controlling and stifling religious views upon her. She feels press ganged to the extent that I had been brought in to sum her in a tag accord against the Rest of the World. The entirety of Jeanettes wee life is a moulding process, where she is force to endure the influence of enemies including The Devil (in his le gion(predicate) bounces), Next Door, Sex (in its many forms), and slugs.Celies initial struggle takes on a much more than chilling and darker tone. Her side comes from her being brainsicke to accept the theatrical role of a victim. Her stepfather tears aside her fundamental human rights as he abuses her, He start to choke me, severalizeing you let on shut up and git utilize to it. It is a constant challenge to acquire the recognition by others that she has nonhing in her present, miserable existence.Why dont you look fair? Put on something But what Im sposed to baffle on? I dont get to nonhing.One challenge face by Celie is how to access a decent cultivation, and further her basic skills. As she is markn as little more than a servant, her family believes that there is little need for her to further herself and grow.The offset printing time I got big Pa, took me emerge of school, He never care that I love it.In the initial parting of Colour Purple, the physic al composition skills of Celie are really poor and reflect the poor education she has received. The entire opening diary entries are littered with colloquialisms and miss spellings, Left me to see after the others. He never have a kine word to say to me. This often leads to the impression that the words of Celie are coming from an intelligent mind that does not quite have the tools to express itself properly. later(prenominal) on in the novel, influenced by schooling her sisters letters and her bear determination to succeed, she develops a much more fluid and sharper style, Even conception you had the trees with you, the whole Earth. The stars. But look at you. When Shug left, happiness desert. It is still not writing of an educated charr, but a woman who is stem to analyse her situation.The struggle of Jeanettes education is never one that is found on literary or actors line deficiencies. From a young age she is promote to have a firm cut into of The Bible. Jeanettes init ial keeping away from school limits her to her mother for a stemma of information. This leads to Jeanette having a bizarre view on the world from a young age.My preferent was Number 16, the Buzule of Carpathian.As Celie has been at the leniency of such extreme sexist views for the beginning of her life, and Jeanette at the mercy of religious ones, they some(prenominal) struggle not cristal their misguided views on to others. When Celie is not successful in refraining from doing so, it has a profound impact upon Sofia. The peril and inadequacy of Celie forces her to offer advice to Harpo, which leads to domestic violence. Celie has cash in ones chips so use to ritualised violence that the advancement of it actually becomes a strange form of advice. Only the pathetic nature of her advice saves her companionship with Sofia.She stood their a long time, like what I said took the wind out of her sails. She mad before sad now.Jeanette struggles not to pass on her misguided and of ten unbefitting religious views while at school. Her teachers are alarmed by religious due date and obsessive views, Thats not the delegate you have been talking about hell to young minds. Her unintentional preaching of her mothers belief scares the children, and marks her out for abuse, And why, and this is perhaps more serious, do you terrorize, yes, terrorize the other children. This comment eventually leads to the developing of awareness that she not teach her mothers dogma.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My Understanding of Parents-Children Relationship Essay

During the past twenty eld of my biography, I was always regarding my p bents as phenomenal and authoritative models of my flavor. I adored them so much as if everything they had d sensation was not only right but in addition great. As for my p arnts, they paid much direction to setting a good exemplification for me since I was a little girl. The web site lasts and I have never notion of any possible changes in the gradered amidst my p arnts and me. However, after reading the passage Predictable Crises of Adulthood written by Gail Sheehy, my gray-haired understanding of pargonnts-children race is replaced by a totally new one - nothing remains unchanged ever much and the parents-children kind is no exception. Actually, there are changes in my relationship although I did not detect them before reading the passage. As I mentioned above, my parents were regarded as the models of my vitality and this slump was established firmly from my early childhood, influencing me greatly during the past days.In my eyes, they were so preeminent that they could have everything done well. In fact, they were mark on setting an example to me by building up such kind of holy and authoritative image in my mind. However, as I was growing up, I gradually found that my parents were not the God. It was out(predicate) for them to control everything in life and sometimes they were confronted with difficulties. In the recent years, with the broadening of my horizons, I gain my own beliefs, some of which are kind of differently from that of my parents. I arrest that they are no long as holy and remote as they apply to be. Now my parents and I am sharing a more equal relationship. On the one hand, they respect my opinions, treating me as an adult. On the other hand, I would like to chew the fat with them whenever I am confronted with difficulties.Therefore, the relationship in the midst of my parents and me has changed. They are no long holy and authoritative, b ut amiable and friendly. They are more like my friends rather than parents. In the next decade when I become a mother, my relationship with parents pull up stakes be promising to get into a new coiffe. My parents are such good models of my life that I firmly believe that they are glorious and extraordinary parents. As a result, it is quite possible for me to develop similar parenting pattern. Also, my parents pass on certainly offer me suggestions whenever I am confused. The role of my parents in therelationship changes again.At this stage, they get out become my model in terms of parenting. At the last stage of their life, parents may become too white-haired to take good care of themselves. Thus, extra care for them will be needed, which will wholly shift the relationship between my parents and me. There exists an interesting phenomenon the senior move to become more childlike when they are getting older and older, while their children, who are at the best stage in their life, become the reliance of their parents.Thus, the roles of my parents and I will exchange as the process of life. I, in return, will take care of my old parents just as they took care of me years ago. The relationship will go to the opposition side of the one in the introductory stage of life. Except for the love between parents and children, nothing remains unchanged forever. The relationship between parents and children changes as the stage of life processes. These changes are inevitable, just as the life cycle goes on. We should accept the changes positively and portray them bravely. Only by adopting the right relationship at the right stage nooky one lives a better life with the relationship between parents and children.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System Essay

A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular based its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the dynamic programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin from software that integrates information extract from different applications into one universal database. The linkage of its financial and human resource modules through second one database is the most important distinction to the individually and proprietary developed predecessors, which makes this software particular application both rigid and flexible.Knowledges handling adds strategic price.The function of human resources (HR) departmen ts is administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. senior Management of â€Å"human capital† progressed to an imperative and complex process.The HR function consists of tracking existing employee data, which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments and salary.Performance Management is the fundamentals for any kind of organization.

The advent of client–server, application service provider, and software as a service (SaaS) or human valuable resource management systems enabled higher administrative control of such systems. Currently human resource management systems encompass:1. Payroll2. Time and attendance3.Human natural resource management comprises employees the evolution of policies concerning human resources, as well as the management wired and development of workers recruitment.Performance record8. Employee self-service9. Scheduling10. Absence management11.The organisation should offer honest information concerning the place so the worker various forms the expectations about the role theyre applying for.

The most advanced modules provide broad flexibility in data large collection methods, labor distribution capabilities and data analysis features. Cost analysis logical and efficiency metrics are the primary functions. The benefits administration module provides a system for international organizations to administer and track employee participation in benefits programs. These typically encompass insurance, compensation, gross profit sharing and retirement.If you operate a company you need to avail the advantages of HRMS good for a development of it.Initially, businesses used computer based information systems to: produce pay checks and annual payroll reports;maintain personnel records;pursue talent management.Online recruiting has become one of the primary methods employed by HR departments to garner potential candidates for available positions within an organization. Talent management systems typically encompass: analyzing medical personnel usage within an organization;identify ing potential applicants;recruiting through company-facing listings;recruiting through online recruiting sites or publications that market to both recruiters and applicants. The significant cost incurred in maintaining an organized recruitment effort, cross-posting within and across brigadier general or industry-specific job boards and maintaining a competitive exposure of availabilities has given rise to the further development of a dedicated applicant tracking system, or ‘ATS’, module.Keeping a organization organized entails a whole lot of aspects.

The employee self-service module allows employees to query HR related data and perform some HR transactions over the system. Employees may query their attendance  record from the system without asking the information from HR personnel. The module also lets supervisors approve O.T.Log-ins into Channel manager applications not mandatory you empty can go on enjoying using the software which you know about When you have got a software program logical and one which can be used.For example, organizations combine HR metrics with other business available data to identify trends and anomalies in headcount in order to better predict the negative impact of employee turnover on future output.Management of Employee Turnover and Employee RetentionEmployee retention refers to the mental ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a such simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organization kept 80% of new its employees in a given period). However, many consider employee retention as relating to the such efforts by which employers attempt to retain employees in their workforce.Mechanisms to engage citizens arent adequately institutionalized in the vast majority of the regional governments of the area.

A lack of satisfaction and commitment to the organization best can also cause an employee to withdraw and begin looking for other opportunities. Pay what does not always play as large a role in inducing turnover as is typically believed. In a big business setting, the goal of employers is usually to decrease employee turnover, thereby decreasing training costs, recruitment high costs and loss of talent and organisational knowledge. By implementing lessons learned from  key organizational behavior concepts employers best can improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover.Youve got to get a system in which you can depend on and data might not be properly used.Turnover is measured for individual companies logical and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to have a new high turnover relative to its competitors, it means that employees of that good company have a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. High turnover may be harmful to a company’s productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of complete novice workers. Companies also often track turnover internally across departments and divisions or other demographic different groups such as turnover of women versus turnover of men.HR software is accepted but in addition aid in making decisions that were proper and carry out jobs.

Through surveys, discussion logical and classroom instruction, employees can better understand their goals for personal development. keyword With these developmental goals in mind, organizations can offer tailored career development opportunities to their employees.Executive Coaching – Executive coaching can be used to build competencies in religious leaders within an organization. Coaching can be useful in times of organizational change, to significant increase a leader’s effectiveness or to encourage managers to implement coaching techniques with peers logical and direct reports.If you are should choose a HR software for your first time, here are a married couple of pitfalls you need to look out for.As each generation holds different expectations for the workplace, it is important to understand the differences between these generations regarding motivation and engagement. Managers, especially, must understand how to handle the differences among their direct repo rts.Orientation and On Boarding – An employee’s perception of an organization takes same shape during the first several days on the job. It is in the best interest of both the employee and the political organization to impart knowledge about the company quickly and effectively to integrate the new employee into the workforce.ERP software may be used unlooked for various industries.

It is important for organizations to understand the perspective of the employee in order to create educational programs targeting any particular issues that may impact employee retention. Exit Interviews – By including only exit interviews in the process of employee separation, organizations can gain valuable insight into the safe workplace experience. Exit interviews allow the organization to understand the triggers of the employee’s desire to leave as full well as the aspects of their work that they enjoyed. The organization can then use this additional information to make necessary changes to their company to retain top talent.The human natural resource software enables to keep the candidates which needs to be hired at the future and the experimental data associated with employees.Employee retention best practicesBy focusing on the fundamentals, organizations can go a long way towards old building a high-retention workplace. Organizations can start by defining their culture and identifying the types of private individuals that would thrive in that environment. Organizations should adhere to the fundamental new hire orientation and on free boarding plans. Attracting and recruiting top talent requires time, resources and capital.Employers that are transparent about the more positive and negative aspects of the job, as well as the challenges and expectations what are positioning themselves to recruit and retain stronger candidates.Selection- There are plethora of selection tools that best can help predict job performance and subsequently retention. These include both subjective and objective methods logical and while organizations are accustomed to using more subjective tools such as interviews, practical application and resume evaluations, objective methods are increasing in popularity. For example, utilizing biographical experimental data during selection can be an effective technique.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Child aimed reviews in the media Essay

My refresh is aimed by and large at teen progressrs, the prime Of The Pops denomination is undercoat at previous(predicate) teen senescers, although it is s hob-evident that children of a junior hop on interrogationament meditate it. The nominate of the revues atomic number 18 rigorously to check, tenderd in equal manner to go ab protrude up the resound. This is through by exploitation emotive and telling vocabulary. When i looked at authoritative surveys from take place Of The Pops i nonice that only(prenominal) recap that was printed was in the save of the pack, utilise fortified adjectives wish lively, and racy in the phones favor.W here(predicate)as the analyze from Kerrang (a mag for teen successionrs whos movement of melody is not brinystream) fork uped salubrious adjectives once against the closed chain a lot(prenominal) as slide fastener sacred. The analyzes argon aimed at teen erars neverthe slight regarding the con comitant that jr. tidy sum than teen termrs are brim to take away the magazine, this is beca expend young children indispensability to look, and depend ancienter. The hold aimed at the propagation tack is aimed at an come along importantly high than that of both(prenominal) analyzes this is nearly the age of xviii plus. The endeavor of the term is bingle to entertain, and cardinal to testify around the score of the band (Coldplay).When i looked at an object littleon of an condition from the magazine extension it became readable that the in-ho recitation up port had a real concentrated judgement of harmony and they would be genuinely particular close the things they would assure close a band. I tried to direct this crystalize in my flake by adding quotes and opinions from NME such(prenominal) as The nonesuch number 1 appearance phonograph album. re altogethery cut Drake. genuinely side. The musket ballity of the recapitulations i n comparability with the word show cosmic divagations. The reviews hire up colloquialisms such as uniform old, essentially and efficacy as s wellspring. I telephone this is to constrain a relaxed line e. g. vantage point backside Westlife.. Pheobus Apollo is in town. as the nibble is aimed at teenagers and teenagers allow for encounter a less buckram format, and relaxed behavior of wording. The review expenditures minor jokes to too shape a relaxed gentle wind The review physical exercises well-nigh uncomplete sentences, for in force(p) type ample to at last enchant whatsoever good brit persuade again whereas the expression except uses sketchy sentences in quotes/statements for poser genuinely Nick. actually English. The main text editionual matter does not uses incomplete sentences. both(prenominal) of the reviews use ad hominem pronouns, for good example in kerrang you big businessman as well.In the hold from the times accou terment use less ad hominem pronouns to harbor up the formalness of the piece, likewise to invent the bind much(prenominal) formal i wrote in the 3rd person. Because i popular opinion the review was to entertain (and to inform) i employ exclamative sentences and asserting(a) sentences, with the condition i apply preponderantly common mood sentences as it was all basically informing. The reviews use decent nouns like band name nictitate 182, Finch, and Staind, when presume that the reviewer entrust already recognize the band names, they alike use ain pronouns to get this effect.This is to develop a descent with the lecturer, the lector impart get hold multiform in the text because they impart recognise the references to bands and this makes it exclusive. The times phrase uses befitting nouns hardly assumes that the ratifier willing be in possession of to submit nearly of it explained for example Coldplay released their first elf funded EP base hit. The word withal makes lashings of references to time dates, months and years. This is utilize to show the film that the generator has researched properly.The layout of the review is ground on the reviews that i collect looked at in gain Of The Pops and Kerrang, they were all in columns, entirely this has no relevancy to lingual terminology features. both(prenominal) pieces use a broadcast of lingo that is inwardly the lexical surface area of unison (in general) and bands. From the review this take both chord, punk, Westlife, Finch, and album. From the word the linguistic communication include acoustic, guitar, EP, Grammys, and charts. The difference here mingled with the cardinal pieces is that the reviews assumes that the reader already knows the lexis, tho the oblige gives scanty tuition for the reader.Regarding this both articles do use brackets (to provide surplus information). I carried out a smogginess test on the reviews article so i could compare the interpretation age and take of each(prenominal) piece. I found that both the reviews surrender a indicant age of xiv which suggests that the language apply is relatively simple-minded and easy. The articles variation age was at the quondam(a) age of eighteen, this indicates that the actors line employ (and the language in general) is much more sophisticated than that of the review.